Professional Course

Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL


Témy kurzov

Načúvanie, hovorenie, výslovnosť, čítanie, písanie, Slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Program vyučovania

Doba trvania kurzu
Dátumy začiatkov
Každý pondelok
Vyučovacích hodín do týždňa
30 lessons per week (každá hodina trvá 45 min)
Dni vyučovania
pondelok - piatok
Školské prázdniny
01 nov 2024

V Centro Puccini sa nevyučuje počas sviatkov v dátumoch uvedených hore. Škola nenahrádza vyučovanie, ktoré pripadne na tieto sviatky, tak sa uistite, že ste to zohľadnili pri výbere termínu vášho začiatku.

Časy vyučovania

You can choose from the following class times:

Dopoludňajšia blok
09:00 - 14:15

Plán kurzu sa môže zmeniť v závislosti od dostupnosti a sezóny.

Opis kurzu

The Intensive Plus Course consists of the Standard Course Plus additional private lessons (one-to-one). The individual lessons are specifically designed for your specific needs.
We recommend this course for those who want to learn italian very quickly and to get targeted terminology. In the individual classes you decide on the contents, topics and exercises with your teacher: the teacher will be able to help you individually.

The professional courses consist of four lessons in a Standard Language course plus two private tutorials on the selected professional field, each day. You have the choice between the following options:

- Business Correspondence
- Business Italian
- Italian for Banking
- Italian for Law
- Italian for the Hotel Industry
- The Language of wine and food
- The Language of Tourism
- Italian for Flight Attendants
- Italian Healthcare
- The Language of Fashion
- The Language of Architecture
- Italian Literature
- Italian Cinema
- The Language of the Libretti (Opera)
- The History and Language of Theatre

Úroveň triedy

Nižšia stredná úroveň
Stredná úroveň
Vyššia stredná úroveň
Pre pokročilých
Prvý deň budete robiť zaraďovací test na určenie triedy vašej úrovne. Môžete tiež spraviť túto skúšku pred príchodom do Viareggio.

Veľkosť triedy

Priemer 8 študentov
Maximum 12 študentov

Vek študenta

Vekové rozmedzie 16- roční a starší
Priemer 29- roční
(25 v lete)


Certifikát o absolvovaní kurzu bude vydaný na konci kurzu.
Čítajte viac...


  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 1/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 2/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 3/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 4/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 5/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 6/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 7/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 8/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 9/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 10/38
  • Internáty poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 11/38
  • Internáty poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 12/38
  • Internáty poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 13/38
  • Internáty poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 14/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 15/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 16/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 17/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 18/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 19/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 20/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 21/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 22/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 23/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 24/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 25/38
  • Hotels offered by Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 26/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 27/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 28/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 29/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 30/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 31/38
  • Domáce ubytovanie poskytované Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 32/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 33/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 34/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 35/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 36/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 37/38
  • Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini Italian Language School SRL 38/38


100% odporučte

podľa 7 posudkov
5 hviezdičiek
4 hviezdičky
3 hviezdičky
2 hviezdičky
1 hviezdička
Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy

"I met a lot of interesting people at school , that was the best"

Marie Frösing, študent z Švédsko

I liked everything, but I was just there one week and next time it will be 4 weeks I think

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
3 Jul 2023 - 7 Jul 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Everything and everyone has been brilliant and very helpful at school with every query i've had!"

Nicoleta Lenuta Evans, študent z UK

The class and starting times suited me very well . Both our tutors Gabriella & Serena have done their best to help me and my colleagues in learning , writing & speaking effectively the Italian Language.
For my first week I was housed with a few other students, my flat was clean & fresh bedcovers but the matress wasn't comfortable , I'm afraid. I have found erveything I needed in the kitchen & bathroom and happy to be able to use the washing machine. The housemates were absolutely great & I will miss them.
The following two weeks I transferred myself to live in Emanuella's house a very nice & caring lady. Emanuella has got a little dog Sso with which I became friends & given him biscottini in exchange of a kiss on my nouse. She did her best first me & I loved my spacious room & the comfy double bed, Emanuella prepared collazione every morning for me & one one occasion she & her partner invited me for having cena together. I have been shown around Lido di Camaiore, rode on my bici following Emanuella to the nearest supermarket, went to the beach together & we had lots of conversations in italian
Emanuella has been very patient and supportive and living with her helped me a lot in improving my italian. We are still exchanging the ocassional text to each other and Emanuella is good fun, same as Gabriella which was my favourite tutorial at the school. I've had 4 private lessons. 3 with Serena & 1 with Gabriella which I must say I wish I'd had more but unfortunately 50 euros for 45min it was too expensive for me.
Ovrerall I have done all my homework, I have learnt some Italian but it all comes together with practice.
I am glad to have been there & the locazione of the school suite everyone not heard anybody complaining about anything at all.
Simone is a fantastic lady and so her lovely colleague I had discounts at the beach and for renting my bici, eccellente service!
Mi dispiace ma è più facile scrivere in inglese così tanto

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
2 týždne
Dátum štúdia
22 May 2023 - 9 Jun 2023
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"I liked to speak Italian more and more"

Linus Müller, študent z Švajčiarsko

The teachers are competent and feel that they like to work in this school.
The climate in the school is relaxed and cheerful.
The lessons are interesting, I learned a lot, even in private lessons.
The activities (Visit in Pisa, Luca and a plate of spaghetti) were very funny.
Even the secretary is very kind and willing to help.
The decor and the school is simple, everything is a bit old but with charm.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
6 týždňov
Dátum štúdia
9 Sep 2019 - 25 Oct 2019
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Very nice"

Maria Florencia Mendy, študent z Argentína

I did not hesitate. They were very practical and friendly.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
1 týždeň
Dátum štúdia
31 Aug 2015 - 11 Sep 2015
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"Perfect holidays in Tuscany"

Joanna Waśko, študent z Poľsko

I liked the location of the school. Most of the teachers were really good, except for the teacher of the conversation classes - those ones were boring. I liked the activities organised by school, especially the trips and dinners on the beach. The staff in the school was really friendly and helpful. Housing was good as well. The apartment was nice and well-equipped, also well-located.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
1 týždeň
Dátum štúdia
3 Aug 2015 - 14 Aug 2015
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"It was very interesting and I have learned many new things."

Evi Aigner, študent z Nemecko

I liked my class and the teachers were super. Alexandra and Annalisa were very good teachers. The location was old, but good.
The seats are a little small.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Dátum štúdia
7 Jul 2014 - 11 Jul 2014
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?
To je overená recenzia. Tento študent má rezervovaný kurz na tejto škole prostredníctvom Language International.

"I came to Puccini school twice and I was very happy."

iris shepherd

The place is fantastic and professors were fantastic and I hope to return next fall for maybe three to four weeks.

Čítajte viac...

Moje hodnotenie tejto školy

Kvalita vyučovania
Vybavenie školy
Spoločenské aktivity
Umiestnenie školy
Trvanie štúdia
1 týždeň
Dátum štúdia
16 Sep 2013 - 27 Sep 2013
Odporúčali by ste túto školu?


Centro Puccini ponúka nasledovné typy ubytovanie:

Doma - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky

203 €

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Vzdialenosť do školy: 5 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
Obmedzenia: 2 študenti musia objednať spolu
203 €
Homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the local culture in a comfortable setting while studying Italian in Viareggio. These homes are often between 5-20 minutes away from the school by walking. Families usually offer affordable meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you have special requests or diet restrictions (because of religion or health reasons), please let us know in advance. Students must be 16 years old and older.

In selecting host families, we do not look for luxury and comfort in the material sense but for Italian families who appreciate receiving foreign students. Additionally, the word "family" should not be taken too literally, as a family can be "traditional" with children, a single parent or a childless couple who take in students because they enjoy the company.

Doma - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky

252 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Doma
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Vzdialenosť do školy: 5 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, kedykoľvek
Deň odchodu: sobota, kedykoľvek
252 €
Homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the local culture in a comfortable setting while studying Italian in Viareggio. These homes are often between 5-20 minutes away from the school by walking. Families usually offer affordable meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you have special requests or diet restrictions (because of religion or health reasons), please let us know in advance. Students must be 16 years old and older.

In selecting host families, we do not look for luxury and comfort in the material sense but for Italian families who appreciate receiving foreign students. Additionally, the word "family" should not be taken too literally, as a family can be "traditional" with children, a single parent or a childless couple who take in students because they enjoy the company.

Internát - izba pre 2 osoby - Bez stravy

455 €

Student residence (off-campus) - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Adresa: Via Ugo Foscolo 36, Viareggio, LU 55049, Italy
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, telefón, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, internet zadarmo, tV miestnosť, klimatizácia, kúrenie, dohľadom 24/7, a ďalšie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 10 - 15 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
Obmedzenia: 2 študenti musia objednať spolu
455 €
The Mini Residences consist of two bright rooms and a bathroom: there is a dining room which includes a small kitchen and a bedroom. There is weekly cleaning and changing of linens. On request is possible to have buffet breakfast with: coffee, tea, milk,fresh juice, bread, butter, jam, salami, cheese, cakes, etc.
The mini-residence is equipped as follows:

• air conditioning
• direct dial phone connection
• 20" LCD color TV
• in-room digital safe which has a plug for laptop and cameras to recharge electronic items while in safe
• ADSL free Internet connection
• electronic door key

Internát - Jednolôžková izba - Bez stravy

840 €

Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Adresa: Via Ugo Foscolo 36, Viareggio, LU 55049, Italy
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Internát mimo areálu školy
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, kuchyňa, telefón, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, internet zadarmo, tV miestnosť, klimatizácia, kúrenie, dohľadom 24/7, a ďalšie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 10 - 15 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
840 €
The Mini Residences consist of two bright rooms and a bathroom: there is a dining room which includes a small kitchen and a bedroom. There is weekly cleaning and changing of linens. On request is possible to have buffet breakfast with: coffee, tea, milk,fresh juice, bread, butter, jam, salami, cheese, cakes, etc.
The mini-residence is equipped as follows:

• air conditioning
• direct dial phone connection
• 20" LCD color TV
• in-room digital safe which has a plug for laptop and cameras to recharge electronic items while in safe
• ADSL free Internet connection
• electronic door key

Byt - izba pre 2 osoby - Bez stravy

168 €

Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together

Vekové rozmedzie: 18 - 80 ročný
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Zdieľaný byt
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Vzdialenosť do školy: 5 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
Obmedzenia: 2 študenti musia objednať spolu
168 €
Living in a apartment, together with other foreign or Italian students or with the landlord/landlady, requires maturity but allows you considerable independence. You share with the roommate(s) the bathroom and the kitchen and can cook on your own.

You share a flat or floor of a house either with other students from Centro Giacomo Puccini. Students share the kitchen and the bathroom.
The apartments are furnished and the kitchens are supplied with all essential kitchen equipment (cutlery, plates, pans etc.).You can prepare your meals separately or together with your flatmates and fellow students. Electricity, gas water, local costs and taxes are included in the price. Bed-linens are provided free of charge. You have to bring your own towels. The apartment are not provided with telephones nor with Internet connections.
The apartments are cleaned before your arrival. During your stay, you are responsible for the cleaning of your rooms and of the rooms used in common (kitchen and bathroom).

Byt - Jednolôžková izba - Bez stravy

217 €

Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Vekové rozmedzie: 18 - 80 ročný
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: Zdieľaný byt
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Bez stravy
Vzdialenosť do školy: 5 - 20 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
217 €
Living in a apartment, together with other foreign or Italian students or with the landlord/landlady, requires maturity but allows you considerable independence. You share with the roommate(s) the bathroom and the kitchen and can cook on your own.

You share a flat or floor of a house either with other students from Centro Giacomo Puccini. Students share the kitchen and the bathroom.
The apartments are furnished and the kitchens are supplied with all essential kitchen equipment (cutlery, plates, pans etc.). You can prepare your meals separately or together with your flatmates and fellow students. Electricity, gas water, local costs and taxes are included in the price. Bed-linens are provided free of charge. You have to bring your own towels. The apartment are not provided with telephones nor with Internet connections.
The apartments are cleaned before your arrival. During your stay, you are responsible for the cleaning of your rooms and of the rooms used in common (kitchen and bathroom).

Hotel - izba pre 2 osoby - Raňajky

350 €

2-star hotel - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Adresa: Via Ugo Foscolo 36, Viareggio, LU 55049, Italy
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: 2-star hotel
Typ izby: izba pre 2 osoby
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, telefón, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, internet zadarmo, tV miestnosť, klimatizácia, kúrenie, dohľadom 24/7, a ďalšie
Vzdialenosť do školy: 10 - 15 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
Obmedzenia: 2 študenti musia objednať spolu
350 €
Hotel Luana is a familiar Hotel located in the center of Viareggio (seaside resort near Pisa), within 200 meters to the beach and the promenade with its Art Deco Cafès. It is also ideally situated for access to all of Viareggio, including the open air market, which is very convenient for shopping. Hotel Luana offers five single rooms and five double rooms. We offer a buffet breakfast with: coffee, tea, milk,fresh juice, bread, butter, jam, salami, cheese, cakes, etc.
Every room is equipped as follows:

• bathroom with shower
• air conditioning
• direct dial phone connection
• 20" LCD color TV
• in-room digital safe which has a plug for laptop and cameras to recharge electronic items while in safe
• ADSL free Internet connection
• electronic door key

Hotel - Jednolôžková izba - Raňajky

490 €

2-star hotel - Single-person room - Breakfast

Vekové rozmedzie: 16 - 90 ročný
Adresa: Via Ugo Foscolo 36, Viareggio, LU 55049, Italy
Umiestnenie: In the city center of Viareggio
Typ ubytovania: 2-star hotel
Typ izby: Jednolôžková izba
Jedlá: Raňajky (7 jedál za týždeň)
Technické vybavenie: Vlastná kúpeľňa, telefón, bezdrôtové pripojenie k internetu, internet zadarmo, klimatizácia, kúrenie, a dohľadom 24/7
Vzdialenosť do školy: 10 - 15 minút walkom
Obsadenosť: január - december
Deň príchodu: nedeľa, po 02:00
Deň odchodu: sobota, pred 11:00
490 €
Hotel Luana is a familiar Hotel located in the center of Viareggio (seaside resort near Pisa), within 200 meters to the beach and the promenade with its Art Deco Cafès. It is also ideally situated for access to all of Viareggio, including the open air market, which is very convenient for shopping. Hotel Luana offers five single rooms and five double rooms. We offer a buffet breakfast with: coffee, tea, milk,fresh juice, bread, butter, jam, salami, cheese, cakes, etc.
Every room is equipped as follows:

• bathroom with shower
• air conditioning
• direct dial phone connection
• 20" LCD color TV
• in-room digital safe which has a plug for laptop and cameras to recharge electronic items while in safe
• ADSL free Internet connection
• electronic door key

Pomoc pri vízach

My nemôžeme žiadať o víza v zastúpení študentov. Avšak škola vám môže dodať všetky podklady, ktoré potrebujete priložiť k vašej žiadosti o víza.

Váš list o prijatí vám bude bezplatne zaslaný na vašu domácu adresu obyčajnou poštou. Ak si želáte zaslať vaše dokumenty expresnou poštou, pri registrácii zaplatíte poplatok 110 €.

Lety a letisková doprava

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Viareggio based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovné poistenie

Študujte v zahraničí bez starostí so zdravotným poistením a poistením osobného hnuteľného majetku od Language International. Keď si s nami rezervujete kurz, môžete si vybrať zakúpenie medzinárodného plánu poistenia, ktorý pokrýva nielen vaše výdavky na zdravotnú starostlivosť, ale tiež váš osobný majetok. Poistku si musíte zarezervovať dopredu pri registrácii.

Zistite viac o našom pláne poistenia »

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